Make a batch of cookies for the hungry alien diners.
Your alien captors have provided you with a cookbook for every dish served at this restaurant. They tried to translate it all to English for you, but they couldn’t figure out some of the words.
Flip through the menu with the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons to peruse the recipes.
The aliens have provided you with all the ingredients you’ll need. The pantry contains too many items to list, so you’ll have to search for what you want yourself.
To add an ingredient to the cooking bowl, enter its name in the text box and click Add. You can also click Examine to look at it more closely.
Cooking is as easy as pie! You don’t need to measure, cut, mix, cream, or anything else; just add the ingredients to the bowl in the right order. For example, if you have a recipe that says:
Combine 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, 1 1/2 cups milk, and 3 teaspoons melted butter in a blender and blend until smooth. Heat additional melted butter in a pan and pour in the mixture, swirling it to make a thin layer.
Then the ingredients you’ll need to add to make that recipe would be:
flour, eggs, milk, butter, butter.
For most recipes, changing the order in some places may still work. In this recipe, you can combine the first four ingredients in any order.
Click the “” button at the top-right of the ingredients panel to see all the combinations you’ve tried.